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Alice Bellerose

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Alice Bellerose Empty Alice Bellerose

Post by Modobear Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:20 pm

Alice Bellerose Alice_12
(picture by the creator)

Name: Bellerose Bijoux Alice
SHSL: Horror Author
Birthdate: August 30th
Gender: Female
Height: 170 CM (5'7”)
Weight: 66 KG (145 LBS)
Creator: Firefly

Appearance: Alice takes a lot of care to look her best on any given occasion. She favors clothing in greens and purples and usually uses the same color scheme with her makeup, save for her cherry red lipstick. Black, of course, makes a good compliment to any outfit. Her hair is long and black, tinted a dark violet at the ends, and always kept carefully brushed and styled. Her skin is rather pale, as most of her time is spent inside her home, in an upstairs workspace with a single window. This, obviously, doesn't very much lend itself to tanning. She has a multitude of freckles dotted across her body, but the ones on her face are more covered up as a result of the light foundation she often wears. Alice is rather tall, this being furthered by the fact that she always walks with a confident posture and often wears shoes with heels. She's curvy, though not overwhelmingly so, with a waist a bit smaller than her shoulders and hips, giving her a lightly curved hourglass figure. The dress she wears most of the time at Hope's Peak is dark green, with a strip of mint green decorated with black swirls around the waist, and a similarly patterned piece of fabric at the neckline. The dress itself is a sleeveless v-neck with an asymmetrical skirt. It's tight at her hips before loosening up to drape around her legs, one side hanging to her knee and the other side hanging to mid-thigh. Beneath it she wears a pair of dark stockings patterned the same way as the light green portions of the dress. Finally, she wears a pair of simple flats, dark purple with vibrant green on the bottoms.

Personality: One doesn't become a Super High School Level Horror Author without being a little on the dark side, and Alice is certainly no exception to this. She has a heavy interest in the occult and most of her stories reflect this by being supernatural horror. H.P. Lovecraft-esque dark gods and other such Eldritch Abominations are her favorite subject, and she has many a notebook filled to the brim with descriptions of frightening, otherworldly monstrosities, and just ask many sketchbooks filled up with rough drawings of many-tentacled beasts and horrors with piercing eyes and teeth like razors.  She gets a thrill out of being scared, though these days she finds it difficult to find anything that can properly accomplish that job. She also likes reptiles, and has a pet snake back home. Despite all her oddities, Alice isn't actually difficult to be friends with. So long as one isn't entirely put off by her dark sense of humor and admittedly somewhat terrifying ways, she's easy to be around and easy to talk to. She's a very trustworthy person, because she doesn't see others' business as any concern of her own, nor does she think it's proper to be a gossip. If you're going to talk, make it something good, not who's gotten together with who or what embarrassing thing someone did. Her parents valued good manners, meaning that Alice has the tendency to behave in a prim and proper way. All this can fly out the window if you can get her angry. She's actually not easy to anger, and typically will choose to walk away before things become too much for her. However, someone who continues to pester her or follows her when she leaves can be subject to several sustained minutes of screaming and possibly being hit with whatever large book she happens to be carrying.

Background: As her middle and last name may suggest, Alice's family hails from France. However, for the past few generations, the Belleroses have taken up residence in England, and this is where Alice is originally from. As such, she has a bit of a posh accent to her voice. Alice's mother and father are both highly successful people, setting a tone of excellence in the household that Alice was happy to follow. Her father, a high-powered business man, and her mother, a fashion designer extraordinaire, were sure to encourage this determination in their young daughter, sending her to the best private schools and always nurturing any seed of talent she happened to sprout. She's had a passion for literature for as long as she can remember, and started writing her own stories sometime towards the end of Primary School. She found out she had a talent for it, and ever since then has been working to hone those skills as much as she possibly can. A few years into Secondary School, at just thirteen years old, Alice published her first novel. It received high praise and stellar reviews, and nearly everyone who read it would agree that it was absolutely horrifying, in a good way of course. Some readers were understandably concerned, however, that such terror could come from the mind of such a young girl. She worked under a pen name, using her middle name instead of her first to publish books under. Not for any special reason, just because she thought Bijoux Bellerose rolled off the tongue easier than Alice Bellerose. Near the end of this year, Alice gained a bit of an interest in Eastern horror, and wanted to take a journey to Asia to experience what Japan and the surrounding nations had to offer in the way of horror, firsthand. A cousin of hers, studying abroad for his degree, was happy to offer her a place at his Tokyo apartment. Soon enough, she was offered a position at Hope's Peak, and she was enthralled to be joining the ranks of other people who were as experienced and good at what they did as she was at what she did.


Posts : 20
Join date : 2013-08-20


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